Activities and Quests
What happens if an activity ends while I'm looking at the Skip All rewards screen?
The Skip All screen updates to show accurate information for rewards and skipping cost. This also includes the confirmation pop-up that appe...
Why can't I see the Busy Character Finder icon?
The Busy Character Finder is unlocked once you have completed building Mickey's Fun Wheel and the tutorial for the Action Finder.
What are the differently colored quests in my quest log?
There are three types of quests in the Quest Log: Kingdom Quests, Side Quests, and limited-time Event Quests. Kingdom Quests appear with a g...
What do the blue icons on my quests mean?
These icons help you tell the difference between the two types of quests in the game's story: Kingdom Quests and Side Quests.Quests with the...
What's the difference between limited-time content and Kingdom Quest storyline content?
Kingdom Quest storyline content relates to Characters, Attractions, and Quests that help you progress in the game (for instance, Mickey &...
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