Sometimes your purchase may take a while to arrive in your account. This is often due to a delay along the road between your Credit Card provider and the vendor.
If your purchase doesn’t arrive soon, close the game and launch it again to make sure your game has a fresh connection.
If the connection was lost during the purchase or immediately after making it, try restarting your device and check to see if the purchase shows up.
Keep in mind that sometimes it can take up to 24 hours for your purchase to arrive in your game.
If you have waited 24 hours and your purchase still hasn't arrived, contact us through the game by taking the following steps:
Open the game - go to Settings - select 'Customer Care' button.
Make sure to provide the following information about your purchase:
1. The exact amount of items you purchased.
If your purchase doesn’t arrive soon, close the game and launch it again to make sure your game has a fresh connection.
If the connection was lost during the purchase or immediately after making it, try restarting your device and check to see if the purchase shows up.
Keep in mind that sometimes it can take up to 24 hours for your purchase to arrive in your game.
If you have waited 24 hours and your purchase still hasn't arrived, contact us through the game by taking the following steps:
Open the game - go to Settings - select 'Customer Care' button.
Make sure to provide the following information about your purchase:
1. The exact amount of items you purchased.
For example, '500 gems 1 Mighty Fireball, and 2 3-day peace shields'.
2. Whether it was a regular transaction or a special offer.
3. The approximate time of your purchase.
4. A copy of the receipt or a screenshot of your purchase history. The receipt is emailed to the account used to make the purchase soon after the purchase is completed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: we won't be able to solve your issue without a copy of the receipt or a screenshot of your purchase history. Your order confirmation must show the date of the purchase, pack name, its price and also transaction ID.
2. Whether it was a regular transaction or a special offer.
3. The approximate time of your purchase.
4. A copy of the receipt or a screenshot of your purchase history. The receipt is emailed to the account used to make the purchase soon after the purchase is completed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: we won't be able to solve your issue without a copy of the receipt or a screenshot of your purchase history. Your order confirmation must show the date of the purchase, pack name, its price and also transaction ID.