How do I earn Asphalt Credits?
You earn Asphalt Credits by racing in different in-game activities. Note that the number of Credits won depends on your position and the num...
What are boosts?
Boosts are bonuses that affect all the races a player starts for a limited time. Players can purchase boosts with Credits.
What do boosts do?
There are 3 kinds of boosts: NITRO STARTER: The Nitro Starter boost fills the nitro bar at the start of all races for a limited time. TUNING...
How do I activate boosts?
Before the start of every race, you get to see the BOOSTS screen where you can buy boosts (they are automatically activated when you buy the...
How do I know if a boost is activated?
If a boost is activated, a timer will also appear on the BOOSTS screen next to the boosts that are activated.
What happens if I activate a boost when a previous identical boost is already running?
The extra time gets added to the countdown. For example, if there are 30 minutes left on a boost and you buy/activate another of the same bo...
Can I buy a booster to use it afterwards while playing offline?
This feature can't be used without an Internet connection.
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