Please make sure to check compatibility first. Disney Dreamlight Valley Arcade Edition is supported on:

Requires iOS 14.0 or later and a device with the A12 Bionic chip or later.

Requires iPadOS 14.0 or later and a device with the A12 Bionic chip or later.

Requires macOS 12.0.0 or later and a Mac with the Apple M1 chip or later.

10.7 GB

Disney Dreamlight Valley Arcade Edition is not supported on:

iPhone XR

iPhone SE (2020) / (2nd generation)

Apple iPad mini (2019) / (5th generation)

Apple iPad Air (2019) / (3rd generation)

Apple iPad 10.2 (2020) / (8th generation)

Apple iPad 10.2 (2021) / (9th generation)

Apple TV 4k 1st Gen, Apple TV 4k 2nd Gen

Apple TV HD, Apple TV 1st Gen

Apple TV 2nd Gen / Apple TV 3rd Gen

Intel-based Mac devices

Note that the game requires at least 4 GB of RAM to run, so it will not run on the devices previously mentioned due to the fact that they have only 3 GB of RAM.

Our team is actively working on optimising the game so that it can run smoothly on devices with 3 GB of RAM.