Every new update has limited-time Special Missions for you to play. These take place in a different location every time, and you can earn many rewards for completing them.
Just scroll through Gru's Lair until you find the Special Mission Room which has a present icon on the scroll bar. Inside, you'll be able to see if any Special Missions are currently running, or if you'll need to wait for the next one to go live.

Just scroll through Gru's Lair until you find the Special Mission Room which has a present icon on the scroll bar. Inside, you'll be able to see if any Special Missions are currently running, or if you'll need to wait for the next one to go live.

Each Special Mission grants unique rewards and trophies, so keep an eye out, because these missions are only available for a limited time! Any throphies you earn for completing a special mission remains with your account forever. You can view your trophies from the "Profile" tab and clicking the "Special Trophies" section.