In order to find Microsoft Store order ID please follow these steps (for Firefox and Microsoft Edge):

  1. Sign in to
  2. Go to Order History
  3. Click “View Details” for the needed Purchase
  4. Right click under “Completed” status of the purchase   
    Click Inspect
  5. Developer Tools window will open, with a preselected row   
  6. Look up 6 or 7 rows, find the line “<div id=“XXX-XXX-XXX
    Double click on the div id value (XXX-XXX-XXX)
  7. Right click, copy the value
  8. Send the value to Customer Care

In case you use Google Chrome or Opera, please follow these instructions:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Go to Order History
  3. Click “View Details” for the needed Purchase
  4. Right click under “Completed” status of the purchase
    Click Inspect
  5. Developer Tools window will open, without a preselected row   
  6. Keep Developer Tools window open and repeat Step 4
    Now you'll have the preselected row   
  7. Look up 6 or 7 rows, find the line “<div id=“XXX-XXX-XXX
    Double click on the div id value (XXX-XXX-XXX)
  8. Right click, copy the value   
  9. Send the value to Customer Care