Having a Gameloft ID is important to play Disney Speedstorm on different platforms, as it allows the game to identify your progress and move it to another platform to allow cross-saving.

Once you start the game for the first time, you will see a pop-up message that will ask you if you've already played  Disney Speedstorm. If you have played before, you will see another screen where you can enter your Gameloft ID, or if you played before, but without a Gameloft ID, you can select “Link Account.”

If you have never played the game, you can select “No, I’m a new user” and decide to "Enter with Gameloft ID” to share your progress and data on any platform or “Enter Game” if you are not interested in playing on different platforms.

A Gameloft ID is also necessary if you are interested in downloading and launching the game with the Gameloft Store.